Previous Group Members

Xinda Lu
Research Scientist

Zev Cariani

Raphael Laurenceau
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institut Pasteur


Thomas Hackl
Postdoctoral Researcher
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (MPIMF) 
Department of Biomolecular Mechanisms


Constance Allegre
MBA candidate
chez Collège des Ingénieurs
Courbevoie, Île-de-France, France


Aldo Arellano
PhD Student
Univ of Wisconsin-Madison

Nicolas Raho


Markus Ankenbrand
Postdoctoral Researcher
Computational Cardiology at the Comprehensive Heart Failure Center 
Würzburg, Germany 


Christina Bliem
Janssen Vaccines and Prevention 
Johnson & Johnson
Early Development and Discovery for bacterial vaccines

Shane Hogle
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept of Biology
University of Turku, Finland

Steven Biller
Assistant Professor
Wellesley College

Brandon Satinsky
Computational Biologist

Jamie Becker
Assistant Professor
Alvernia University

Keven Dooley
PhD Student
University of Chicago

Elena Kazamia
Research Scientist
Bowler Group
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Section
Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Superieure
Ecole Normale Supérieure
kazamia at biologie dot ens dot fr

Sara Collins
Bioinformatics Scientist 

Anna Rasmussen
PhD Student
Francis Lab

Katya Frois-Moniz
Research Scientist / Research Lead
Alm Lab
kmoniz at mit dot edu

Andres Cubillos
Postdoctoral Associate
Collins Lab
cubillos at mit dot edu

Alexis Yelton
Data Scientist

Kristen LeGault
Research Technician
UC Berkeley
Arash Komeili Lab

Madeline Williams
Research Associate
Juno Therapeutics, Inc.

Nadav Kashtan
Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Libusha Kelly
Assistant Professor
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Michael F. Price Center
libusha.kelly at

Simon Labrie
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Laval
Sylvain Moineau Lab
simon.labrie.1 at ulaval dot ca

Qinglu Zeng
Assistant Professor
Division of Life Science
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
zeng at ust dot hk 

Sara Roggensack 
PhD Student
Molecular Microbiology Department
Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences
Tufts University 
Sara.Roggensack at tufts dot edu 

Gregory Kettler
Software Engineer
Textura Corporation

Marcia Osburne
Sr Research Associate
Microbiology Department 
Tufts University of School of Medicine
Marcia.Osburne at tufts dot edu 

Anne Thompson
Assistant Professor
Portland State University
awt at pdx dot edu

Luke Thompson
Research Associate
University of Colorado
BioFrontiers Institute
luke.thompson at colorado dot edu
Ph.D. 2010. Auxiliary metabolic genes in viruses infecting marine cyanobacteria

Katherine Huang
Senior Software Engineer
The Broad Institute

Daniel Sher
Department of Marine Biology
Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences
dsher at sci.haifa dot ac dot il

Sebastian Rodrigue
Professor Adjoint
University of Sherbrooke
Sebastien.Rodrigue at USherbrooke dot ca

Jake Waldbauer
Assistant Professor
Biogeochemistry, microbiology, organic geochemistry
University of Chicago
Department of Geophysical Sciences
jwal at uchicago dot edu
Ph.D., 2010. Molecular Biogeochemistry of Modern and Ancient Marine Microbes

Rex Malmstrom
Research Scientist, LBNL
DOE Joint Genome Institute
RRMalmstrom at lbl dot gov

Sarah Bagby
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
Case Western Reserve University
sarah dot bagby at case dot edu

Kolea Zimmerman
Postdoctoral Associate,  Pringle Lab
kzimmerman at fas dot harvard dot edu

Adam Rivers
Research Scientist
DOE Joint Genome Institute
arrivers at lbl dot gov
Ph.D., 2009. Structure and Dynamics of Genome-wide diversity in Prochlorococcus

Jason Bragg
CSIRO Plant Industry
Canberra, ACT, Australia

Maureen Coleman
Assistant Professor
Microbial evolution and ecology, biogeochemistry
University of Chicago
Department of Geophysical Sciences
mlcoleman at uchicago dot edu
Ph.D., 2008. Structure and Dynamics of Genome-wide diversity in Prochlorococcus.

Laura Croal
12-B Cabot Road
Woburn, MA 01801
croal at excelimmune dot com

Adrienne Dolberry 
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Salem State College
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA 01970
adolberry at salemstate dot edu

Jorge Frias-Lopez
The Forsyth Institute
140 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115
jfrias at forsyth dot org

Matt Sullivan
Associate Professor
The Ohio State University
Ph.D., 2005. Ecology, Diversity, and Comparative Genomics of Oceanic Cyanobacterial Viruses.
sullivan.948 at osu dot edu

Adam Camillo Martiny
Assistant Professor
Earth Systems Science
School of Physical Sciences
Assistant Professor
Ecological & Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
U. California, Irvine
amartiny at uci dot edu
Ph.D., 2003

Debbie Lindell
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa, Israel
dlindell at techunix dot.technion dot ac dot il
Ph.D., 2000

Stina Drakare
Department of Limnology
Evolutionary Biology Centre
Uppsala University
Norbyvägen 20
SE-752 36 Uppsala
Stina.drakare at ebc dot uu dot se
Ph.D., 2002. The role of picophyloplankton in lake food webs.

Andy Tolonen
Genoscope-CEA et l'Université d'Evry
Ph.D., 2005. Prochlorococcus Genetic Transformation and the Genomics of Nitrogen Metabolism.

Erik Zinser
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
ezinser at utk dot edu

Zackary Johnson
Assistant Professor of Biological Oceanogaphy and Biotechnology
Duke Univeristy
Ph.D., 2002. Regulation of marine photosynthetic efficiency by photosystem II
zij at duke dot edu

Claudia Steglich
Senior Scientist
University Freiburg, Germany
Department of Biology II, Experimental Bioinformatics
Claudia.Steglich at biologie dot uni-freiburg dot de
Ph.D., 2003. Biochemical, spectroscopic and moleculargenetic characterization of novel phycoerythrin species from Prochlorococcus

Stephan Bertilsson
Uppsala University
Department of Biology 
stebe at ebc.uu.sede

Stephanie Shaw
Stephanie L. Shaw, Ph.D.
Project Manager, Air Quality, Environment Sector
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
sshaw at epri dot com 
Ph.D., 2001. The production of non-methane hydrocarbons by marine plankton.

Mak Saito
Principle Investigator
Marine Bioinorganic Chemistry
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
msaito at whoi dot edu
Ph.D., 2001. The biogeochemistry in the Sargasso Sea.

Gabrielle Rocap
Principle Investigator
Dept of Oceanography
University of Washington, Seattle
rocap at ocean dot washington dot edu
Ph.D., 2000. Genetic diversity and ecotype differentiation in the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus.

Liz Mann
Postdoctoral Researcher
emann at bigelow dot org
Ph.D., 2000. Trace metals and the ecology of marine cyanobacteria.

Kent Cavender-Bares
President and Co-founder 
RowBot Systems
Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area, MN 
Ph.D., 1999. Size distribution population dynamics, and single-cell properties of marine plankton in diverse nutrient environments.

Lisa Moore
Professor of Biology
Biology Department
University of Southern Maine
lmoore at usm dot maine dot edu
Ph.D., 1997. Physiological ecology of Prochlorococcus: A comparison of isolates from diverse geographic regimes.

Chris Marx
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
University of Idaho
cmarx at uidaho dot edu

Pheobe Lam
Assistant Professor
Physical & Biological Sciences
PBSci-Ocean Sciences Department
pjlam at ucsc dot edu

Alexandra Worden
Microbial Ecologist and Biologist
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
azworden at mbari dot org

Karina Gin
Associate Professor
National Univ of Singapore
Department of Civil Engineering
Sc.D., 1996. Microbial size spectra from diverse marine ecosystems.

Brian J. Binder
Associate Professor
Marine Sciences
University of Georgia
Ph.D., 1995.

Jeff Dusenberry
Director of Research Computing
Quinn Building, 1st Floor, Room 023
jeff.dusenberry at
Ph.D., 1995. Picophytoplankton photoacclimation and mixing in the surface oceans.

Ena Urbach
Director, Research and Development
eMetagen, LLC
P.O. Box 260213
Madison, WI 53726
(608) 239-3910
Ph.D., 1994. Evolution and population genetics of Prochlorococcus.

E. Virginia Armbrust
Associate Professor
School of Oceanography
University of Washington, Seattle
Ph.D., 1990. Control of gametogenesis in marine diatoms.

James D. Bowen
Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
jdbowen at uncc dot edu
Ph.D., 1990. Clustering of motile bacteria around Phytoplankton in a turbulent ocean.

Mark Brzezinski
Professor, Department of Ecology Evolution and Marine Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara
brzezins at lifesci.ucsb dot edu
Ph.D., 1989.

Heidi M. Sosik
Senior Scientist
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
M.S., 1988. Interpretation of fluorescent signals from a flow cytometric analysis of light-shade adapted marine phytoplankton.

Daniel Vaulot
Departement Adaptation et Diversite en Milieu Marin
Station Biologique de Roscoff
vaulot at sb-roscoff dot fr
(PhytoPlankton Group)
Ph.D., 1985. The dynamics of phytoplankton growth in varying environments.

Carl J. Watras
Advanced Research Scientist
Wisconsin DNR, Trout Lake Station
cjwatras at wisc dot edu
Ph.D., 1985.

Robert J. Olson
Scientist Emeritus
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

C. Marjorie Aelion
Dean, School of Public Health & Health Sciences
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
maelion at
M.S., 1983. Effect of temperature on growth rates and grazing rates of Favella sp.

Neil S. Shifrin
Managing Director
Berkeley Research Group, LLC
nshifrin at thinkbrg dot com
Ph.D., 1980. Phytoplankton lipids: Environmental influences on production and possible commercial applications.

Diane M. McKnight
University of Colorado, Boulder
Ph.D., 1979. Interactions between freshwater plankton and copper speciation.