Sallie (Penny) Chisholm


MIT 48-419
15 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: (617) 253-1771
Fax: (617) 324-0336
Email: chisholm at mit dot edu

Curriculum Vitae (file):

Employment and Positions:

2015-presentInstitute Professor
2006-2008Director, MIT Earth System Initiative
Co-Director, Terrascope (
1993-presentJoint Appointment, Department of Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1976-presentProfessor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Division of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1988-1995MIT Director, MIT/Woods Hole Joint Program in
Oceanography and Oceanographic Engineering
1978-presentVisiting Scientist, Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
1974-76Post-Doctoral Researcher, Biological Oceanography
Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Selected Honors and Awards:

2022Franklin Institute Laureate in Earth and Environmental Science
2019Crafoord Prize in the Bioscienes, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
2018Honorary Degree (Doctor of Science)  Harvard University
2016Jim Tiedje Award, International Society of Microbial Ecology
2015Appointed Institute Professor, MIT
2015Honorary Degree (Doctor of Laws) Skidmore College
2015Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona, Correspondent Member
2014Killian Faculty Achievement Award, MIT
2014Skidmore College Distinguished Alumni Award
2013Ramon Margalef Prize in Ecology, Government of Catalonia, Spain
20132011 National Medal of Science, the White House
2012Ruth Patrick Award, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
2011Darbaker Prize: Botanical Society of America
2010Agassiz Medal: National Academy of Sciences
2005Huntsman Award for Excellence in Marine Science
2004-2012Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Investigator in Marine Science
2003Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
2002-2015Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor of Environmental Studies (Endowed Chair)
1995-2002McAfee Professor of Engineering (Endowed Chair)
1998, 2013Resident Scholar, Bellagio Conference and Study Center, Italy
1997-1998Guggenheim Fellow
1992Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1991Rosenstiel Award in Ocean Sciences